Confined Space Atmospheric Monitoring-Best Practices
Guy Colonna, NFPA
Nancy Pearce, NFPA


Since the majority of confined space fatalities are the result of hazardous atmospheres, it is critically important to select, calibrate and use gas monitors properly. This presentation will explain how to select the appropriate gas monitor for a particular confined space application, identify the various types of calibration and function checks required to verify the monitor is working properly, and outline proper atmospheric monitoring methods and interpretation of results. An overview of gas monitoring best practices provided in the new NFPA 350, Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work, will be referenced.

Presented by:

Guy Colonna, NFPA
Guy Colonna joined NFPA in 1986 and is currently Division Manager for the Industrial and Chemical Engineering Department. He holds engineering degrees from the US Coast Guard Academy and Stanford University and is a registered professional engineer. He has served as Staff Liaison to numerous technical committees, dealing with issues such as combustible dusts, pyrotechnics, and hazardous chemicals, and is the editor of the NFPA Guide to Combustible Dusts and NFPA Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials.

Nancy Pearce, NFPA
Nancy Pearce is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Senior Fire Protection Engineer with NFPA. She is the Staff Liaison for the committee responsible for the development of the new NFPA 350, Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work. Prior to working for NFPA, Nancy worked for the MA Department of Labor, where she was an OSHA consultant for 10 years and the supervisor of a public sector employee health and safety program for 12 years. Nancy has taught safety classes at the MA Maritime Academy and Northeastern University. She is an OSHA-authorized 10- and 30-hour general industry trainer. She worked as a confined space trainer for the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission and is the current secretary of the AIHA Confined Spaces Committee. She recently published a paper for AIHA titled "Prevention through Design for Confined Spaces."